Availability : Usually Ships in 2-3 Business Days
The Bobrick B-211 Heavy-Duty Clothes Hook with Exposed Mounting is a slim, attractive hook that is perfect for holding coats, handbags and other items inside of bathroom stalls and compartments in commercial washroom facilities. The hook and flange are casted from one piece of bronze, which is covered with a durable nickel plating. The metal has an attractive satin finish that makes it resistant to fingerprinting, yet still pleasing to the eye. The hook extends 3-7/16 inches from the wall once installed via the three holes in the flange. To comply with ADA and other barrier-free accessibility guidelines, a mounting height of 38 to 40 inches above the floor is recommended. When securely installed according to the included instructions, the hook can withstand up to 300 pounds of weight with a direct downward pull. The required trio of sheet metal screws necessary for safe installation is provided by the manufacturer.